Medtronic announce they will roll out their latest Simplera CGM in the US. We let you know what the Simplera is all about.

Following approval by the FDA, Medtronic will roll out their latest Simplera CGM in the US.The CGM is half the size of previous designs produced by the company and like competitors, Dexcom and Freestyle Libre it is fully disposable. It has been designed for people with diabetes aged 2 and up, this flat, and its square-shaped device marks a significant upgrade in both size and convenience.
One of the key features of Simplera is that it doesn’t require overtape, making it much more comfortable and discreet to wear. Plus, it’s built to work with Medtronic’s automated insulin delivery system, the MiniMed 780G, and will integrate with the InPen smart insulin system for a streamlined diabetes management experience.
The Simplera CGM has a simple, two-step insertion process, similar to the Dexcom G7 and Freestyle Libre 3, making it easy to use. However, the exact U.S. release date is still up in the air as the device awaits clearance to integrate fully with Medtronic’s systems, with limited market releases to follow.
The Simplera CGM and Simplera Sync sensor are already CE marked in Europe and launched earlier this year. However, the FDA have yet to approve the Simplera Sync for use with pumps.
Key features
- Compact design: smaller and flatter than the Guardian 4, worn comfortably on the back of the upper arm.
- No fingersticks: two-hour warm-up - no need for fingerstick calibrations.
- Easy insertion: two-step insertion process, with the sensor centrally placed, makes alignment easier than with the Guardian 4.
- Fully disposable: combining the sensor and transmitter in one device, eliminating the need for multiple components.
- No overtape needed: anti-lint adhesive, Simplera stays secure without the extra tape and resists sweat and water.
Additional benefits
Medtronic has kept some familiar features from the Guardian 4, such as:
- Two-hour warm-up time
- Seven-day lifespan: While shorter than other CGMs on the market, this can be ideal for those who prefer a weekly routine for sensor changes.
- InPen integration: The InPen smart insulin pen offers personalized dosing recommendations and pairs with the Simplera CGM for a smarter multiple daily injections (MDI) system.
- Cross-platform compatibility: works with both iOS and Android, with Apple Watch notifications for added convenience.
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The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.
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