News that Abbott and Dexcom have agreed not to sue each other for patents relating to their CGM tech for another 10 years.

At the end of December 2024, Abbott and Dexcom announced they had reached agreement to mutually grant each other a global, royalty-free, non-exclusive, fully paid license to certain patents and patent applications related to analyte sensing, including those involved in the litigation. Notably, neither company is obligated to pay royalties or any other financial compensation under this arrangement.
The agreement also includes a covenant preventing either party from suing the other until December 20, 2034. Both companies have further committed to refraining from contesting the licensed patents and patent applications for specified durations, depending on the patents in question.
The settlement does not involve any financial payments between Abbott and Dexcom.
Details of which products and design features this agreement relates to are not given and the precise details of the settlement between the rivals remains confidential.
An earlier settlement in 2014 involved a cross-licensing deal and agreement not to sue each other until 2021 and since that deal expired there have been a number of patent lawsuits. In 2024 Dexcom's G6 CGM was found by a juror to have infringed one of three of Abbott's patents.
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Love My Libre is not associated or affiliated with Abbott or FreeStyle Libre. Content here and on our website does not constitute medical advice or replace the relationship between you and healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.
The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.
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