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Fizzy water could lower blood glucose

  • 1 min read

Research suggesting sparkling water could lower blood glucose levels in published in the BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health.

Carbonated water being poured from bottle into glass.

New research into the potential health effects of fizzy water has uncovered some surprising benefits, alongside a few drawbacks.

The study indicates that sparkling water may aid weight loss by enhancing glucose uptake and boosting metabolism. However, researchers and experts caution that these effects are likely to be minimal in practice. That said, experts suggest sparkling water could support weight loss indirectly.

The research, published in BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health, investigated claims that sparkling water was a potential slimming aid by speeding up digestion andlowering blood sugar levels.


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The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.

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1 Response

Alan Playford

Alan Playford

February 04, 2025

I have found myself that Pepsi Max (essentially flavoured fizzy water with no sugar) lowers my CGM quite well when needed, usually starting within about 10 to 15 minutes after taking it.
I always resort to it if my levels are remaining stubbornly high!
(Strangely, I also use Lucozade to get my levels higher quickly if I’m heading towards hypo levels!)

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