7 Reasons that matter when choosing to buy from us.
No 1. Our Brand
We take our role as a brand seriously. We’ve sold over 8,000 armbands across 27 countries and know that sensor wearers are benefitting from our Librebands. We see that in the positive reviews and comments we receive in addition to a high number of repeat customers.
We have taken the time to understand our market and invest in our brand so to ensure we’re building a name and products that you can put your trust in.
No 2. Designed & Made in the UK
Our products have been designed by a professional product designer – who happens to be a partner of the business as well as partner of the owner in real life! We source local and UK based suppliers to ensure there is consistency in our quality and sustainability where at all possible.
No 3. A Family Business
The Libreband was developed after the owner’s son determined to transform the sensor she wore from looking like a medical device to a sports-style accessory.
Love My Libre is a family concern and although Samantha and Ben, a wife and husband team, manage the day-to-day operations and are the key contact points, we often ask for input from other family members.
No. 4 Quality of Product
Taking onboard the original prototype, the product has been developed and many iterations produced to ensure that it meets high standards for quality and durability. With additional input from WMG SME Group at the manufacturing stage, we have been able to engineer our designs to scale-up production and operations.
We have a strong ethos that details matter, exemplified by the brand of thread we use to the neatness of stitching and presentation of the finished product. Ultimately, we know that the details matter because durability will determine the value of our products to customers.
No. 5 Authenticity of T1D
All products are tested extensively by the owner before being brought to market, a type one and FreeStyle Libre wearer. It was Samantha’s use of Libre that turned around her diabetes management and the company name, Love My Libre reflects the freedom she found from wearing a CGM.
With a self-interest in developing products that help her as well as appealing to others, Samantha instils her own principles in those of the business.
The key principles are emulated in our heart logo and by following these maxims:
Honesty | Without honesty and integrity there isn’t a valid business.
Exciting | Create, innovate and aim to exceed expectations.
Accessible | Reach out to all and make sure they can reach you.
Responsible | Take to your heart ethical and legal responsibility.
Transparent | Remove barriers and gate-keeping to really support customers.
No. 6 Creative
Expressed through our tag line ‘Style Your Sensor’, we strive to innovate in our designs and give wearers confidence when wearing a sensor. Our styles are based on creating accessories that are accepted as sports-style and athleisure apparel. We are always receptive to new ideas and constructive criticism where it helps us to refine and improve our products.
We also want to show an informative and fun side to the Love My Libre brand. Our social media posts and blogs are not intended to be all about sales but aim to genuinely support other sensor wearers though creativity and fun expressions relating to sensors and diabetes management.
No. 7 Legally Responsible
A UK trademarked brand and registered limited company, we take pride in ensuring that we are compliant in running our business so that we are accountable to regulatory authorities and our customers too. We have put in place appropriate policies to address the requirements of privacy and data protection.