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Hot tubs can improve type 2 diabetes management

  • 2 min read
How hot tubs may improve type 2 diabetes.

Man in hot tub outside.New research from the University of Portsmouth suggests that soaking in a hot tub could improve insulin sensitivity, support heart health, and lower blood pressure in people with type 2 diabetes.

The small-scale study involved 14 participants with T2D who immersed themselves, up to their collarbone, in 40°C water for 1 hour, 8–10 times over 2 weeks. The results have been published in two scientific journals: the Journal of Thermal Biology and the American Journal of Physiology.

While further research is needed, the initial results highlight the potential benefits of hot tub therapy for managing type 2.

Dr Ant Shepherd, author on the research from the University, said:

“While research on hot water therapy is still limited, this study has clearly found that being immersed in a hot tub made the participants’ bodies more sensitive to insulin. 

“The pancreas is like a battery; you can only produce so much insulin and at some stage - particularly in those with type 2 diabetes - it will run out. If we can make people more insulin sensitive, producing less, it’s far better for the pancreas long-term.”

Read this article on the University of Portsmouth website here.


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The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.

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