Updated news from Medtronic, following a recall first announced in July 2024.

Medtronic has announced a voluntary recall in the US of its MiniMed 600 and 700 series insulin pumps due to a potential battery issue that can arise if the devices are dropped or subjected to sudden impact.
Even a single drop may result in shorter-than-expected battery life, even after replacing the battery. In some cases, a damaged pump may not give the usual low-battery warnings, which could lead to an unexpected halt in insulin delivery. Such an interruption can increase the risk of hyperglycemia or DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis).
Medtronic advises users to replace the battery as soon as the "low battery pump" alarm sounds and to keep a spare set of fully charged AA batteries on hand.
If users experience significant battery life issues, they should contact Medtronic for assistance. The company has confirmed it will replace any affected pumps at no cost.
Read Medtronic's press release here.
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The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.
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