The Ōura partnership opens another front in Dexcom’s move into wellness by connecting its CGMs to smart rings that incorporate sensors to collect data on heart rate, body temperature, blood oxygen and activity. Ōura has added an opt-in feature that allows users to track meal timing and analyze how the time they eat affects health metrics such as sleep, stress and recovery.
Ōura CEO Tom Hale said in the announcement that 97% of Oura members “have expressed interest in understanding how the food they eat impacts their health.” Hale outlined how the Dexcom partnership addresses that interest and equips users to make informed decisions about adapting their behavior.
“Working together, Ōura and Dexcom will help members decide what and when to eat by surfacing correlations between activities like sleep and exercise and members’ glucose levels,” Hale said. “And because we know that people are affected differently by the same foods and activities, guidance and insights will be personalized.”
In June, Ōura said it had sold more than 2.5 million rings and was valued at $2.55 billion. More recently its suggested value has risen to over $5 billion. Neither company has said how many people use both an Oura ring and a Dexcom sensor. The partners aim to increase the shared user base through co-marketing.
Ōura expects annual sales to double to around $500 million in 2024.
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The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.
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