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What is the Freestyle Libre 2 Plus?

  • 3 min read
In this blog we're explaining what the Plus means for FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus and how it compares. Note, this sensor is being rolled out from June 2024 in the UK and will replace Libre 2 - expected to be phased out by the end of August 2025.


 In brief, the Libre 2 Plus sensor has these features:
  • 15 day sensor wear
  • Website price same as Libre 2 when compare to daily price of £3.45 per day (UK pricing)
  • Approved for PWD aged 2 years and older
  • Reduced likelihood of interference for settings making it more reliable with less signal loss
  • Improved accuracy at the low glucose range
  • MARD 8.2%
  • Uses same App in UK as Libre 2
  • No calibration
  • 1 hour warm-up

How does this compare to the FreeStyle Libre 2?

It's the same size and same application process. It also uses the same Libre 2 app and whilst extending the time of wear to 15 days, meaning that you change the sensor less frequently - it also means that if you had a regular 'changeover day' then that's no longer possible. There are no changes or updates to many of the key features that come with a Libre 2 sensor, some of which are quite frustrating to wearers of this CGM.

There is no means to calibrate the sensor and this looks unlikely to change as a spokesperson for Abbott has previously commented that the device is deliberately factory calibrated to keep things simple.

There's also no change with the warm-up time which still means there's a 1 hour period when wearers can't see their glucose levels. This contrasts with the Dexcom 7 which has just a 30 minute warm-up and the a more flexible option for changing a sensor with a 12 hour grace period.

Pump integration

Tandem pumps

If using the Tandem pump, you use the Tandem app so not seeing data on Libre app and data is not captured and available in Libre Linkup App. It’s understood that Libre/Tandem are working to enable followers to get access to data once it’s in Tandem’s cloud so that it then can be seen in LibreView and followers can get the information, but it’s not possible currently. 

Omnipod 5 integration

Freestyle Libre recently announced that the Libre 2 Plus sensor is compatible with Omnipod 5 for use as a hybrid closed loop, however, users have raised several issues with this.

It's known that there will initially be some issues with the integration of Libre 2 Plus at launch…readings will only be available on an Omnipod PDM (Personal Device Monitor ie. separate reader/dummy phone. Glucose levels will NOT be available on a smartphone or updated to LibreView including to followers using LibreLinkUp.

FreeStyle Libre CGM Comparison

FreeStyle Libre 2

FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus

FreeStyle Libre 3

Real-time CGM

Yes – updates every minute

Yes – yes updates every minute

Yes – updates every minute





Published accuracy data


(T1 n=133)




(T1 n=83)

Stand-alone use




Pump/hybrid closed loop (HCL) compatibility


Omnipod 5 & Tandem


Sensor wear time

14 days

15 days

14 days

Sensor warm up time

60 mins

60 mins

60 mins

Separate transmitter




Smartphone app



Libre 3

Reader available



Yes (different to Libre 2 reader)





High & low alarms




Predictive alarms


No – stand-alone use

No - stand-alone use Yes - HCL use

Smart pen data connection

NovoPen 6 & Echo Plus

NovoPen 6 & Echo Plus


Data share HCP




Data share friends/family app


LibreLinkUp – not when using as HCL


UK approved wearable site

Back of upper arm

Back of upper arm

Back of upper arm


Thank your for reading. If you have any comments on this blog or the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus that would be helpful to other members, please email us -

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Blogs and publications on this website are independent of any involvement by medtech companies or diabetes related charities. To ensure there is no bias, we do not accept any products, freebies or other material from any medtech provider. Except where credited otherwise, all materials are copyright ©️Love My Libre Ltd.

Love My Libre is not associated or affiliated with Abbott or FreeStyle Libre. Content here and on our website does not constitute medical advice or replace the relationship between you and healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.

The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.

2 Responses

Chris Brown

Chris Brown

January 16, 2025

Useful information. I have found that I keep getting very low readings that then caused me to take remedial actions, however I now check with a finger prick test as invariably incorrect and out by some significant margin.

I also note that it is stated that there is no predictive readings, however with the Libre 2 that I use I have experienced several low alarms, but when I interrogate the app there is no record of any low redrawing on either the home page or daily graph.

I am now loosing confidence in this system as I do not find it reliable.

Adrian Brooking

Adrian Brooking

January 16, 2025

FreeStyle Libre 2+ has proven to be VERY unreliable regarding low glucose levels. Time and again it’s saying I’m 3.4 with a downwards arrow. Finger pricks show a reading of 6 to 7. FS L 2+ is totally inaccurate at low levels. Also, I’m forever getting “Missing sensor values” on a daily basis. Mobile phone readings and LibreView also need to be useable.

In my opinion, there needs to be a vast improvement for it to become comparable with Dexcom.

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