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How to help Ukraine: Diabetes supplies, medicines & donations

  • 4 min read

Ukraine flag with words 'Help for Ukraine'.

The invasion of Ukraine has led to an urgent need for humanitarian help, both in the country and for those fleeing to other countries, many without their families or belongings. There is also a need for medical supplies including insulin and other diabetes care products.

According to JDRF International, the below insulin manufacturers are working with these charities:

  • Sanofi - International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • Lilly - project HOPE and Direct Relief
  • Novo Nordisk - have their own warehouses in Kyiv

If you are looking for a way to help those in need, the following organisations are providing support, whether through cash donations, supplies, or by sending medicines including insulin.

Please remember to check that any donations are being properly handled and that the organisation is legitimate -sadly there are people looking to profit or scam donors.

This charity has been added 5th April 2022.


United With Ukraine

This organisation state their mission as to:

  • Deliver high-impact, high-value medical supplies to populations in need, focusing on diabetes supplies, trauma aid, tactical medical supplies, defibrillators, and more.
  • Help underserved populations get life-sustaining supplies that will make a huge difference in their quality of life.
  • Provide children in Ukraine as well as those in Poland refugee centers with the medical care they require.
You can donate to help fund critical medical aid directly. An example of how donations help is given as: 
  • £10 can provide a week's worth of critical blood glucose testing equipment to diabetics trapped in a bomb shelter in Kyiv.

The fund diabetes aid page accepts donations from as little as £1.00


International Diabetes Federation (IDF)

The organisation are very concerned about the situation in Ukraine and estimate that over 2.3 million adults are living with diabetes there including 15,000 children and adolescents having type 1 diabetes.

In response, they are collaborating with Direct Relief to provide resources to support medical needs in the country as they become known. Donations are encouraged through Direct Relief, see below.

 The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 230 national diabetes associations in 170 countries and territories.


Direct Relief

Direct Relief is working directly with Ukraine’s Ministry of Health and other partners in the region to provide requested medical aid.

Direct Relief. Screenshot Aid to Ukraine Crisis.

 Twitter feed for Direct Relief on Mar 8

Today, 25 tons of emergency medications and supplies will be leaving Direct Relief’s HQ and headed to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health. The shipment includes chronic disease medicines, insulin syringes, sutures, and more. 🇺🇦


spare a rose® for Ukraine

Twitter feed for Insulin for Life, Ukraine delivery of medical supplies.

Spare a Rosewas initiated by an online diabetes group to raise money to support those living with diabetes in under-resourced countries.

In light of the Ukraine crisis, Spare a Rose for Ukraine will be running throughout March 2022, with all donations earmarked to support people with diabetes in and out of Ukraine.

Donations are being directed to Insulin for Life, a registered charity which originated in Australia. The charity has over two decades of experience providing insulin and diabetes supplies to under-resourced countries, and responding to emergencies. They have supplies ready to go if and when and where needed.

Donations accepted online:


Project HOPE

Twitter feed for Project Hope, providing aid to Ukraine in war with Russia.

Find out more here:


Disasters Emergency Committee, Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

DEC charities and their local partners are in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries providing food, water, shelter and medical assistance.

The British Red Cross is part of the group of DEC charities and money raised by the British Red Cross for the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal will go to DEC.

Cash donations are accepted online


Doctors Without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontieres

 ukraine refugees leaving by train

An independent global movement providing medical aid where it is needed most. Currently working to set up emergency response activities in the country and dispatching teams to Poland, Moldova, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.

In the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, teams have distributed medical kits to treat war-wounded people. The organisation have also provided a telemedicine training for trauma care for 30 surgeons from eastern Ukraine.

 Financial donations accepted here.


Direct donations of medicine and diabetes supplies

This is not recommended by the larger charities, however there are many individuals and small groups both reaching out for supplies or offering to donate medical supplies for diabetes. Several diabetes-related forums have contact details for those interested in donating in this way.

Again, bear in mind that these contacts are unlikely to be registered as charities and may not have the appropriate documentation and means to get supplies into where it is most needed. 

Note, most normal routes of delivery have been blocked or are restricted.



All information is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication. Love My Libre or the author do not verify any of the contacts or charities included here. You are recommended to verify any links yourself. We are not affiliated in any way to any of the above organisations or charities.


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