Blogs and publications on this website are independent of any involvement by medtech companies or diabetes related charities. To ensure there is no bias, we do not accept any products, freebies or other material from any medtech provider. All materials are copyright©️Love My Libre Ltd. |
Six days in and I now see that, by default rather than intention, my New Year’s resolution is ‘to embrace wearable tech’. Having gotten used to regularly stapling my Libre sensor to my arm it seemed a natural progression to have invested in an Apple watch to see my glucose levels on my wrist rather than going to the trouble of scanning all the time; of course, only possible with a 3rd party transmitter.
New Year and a lockdown upon us, I’ve taken up the Apple Fitness+ App after seemingly failing to avoid the plethora of annual fitness focussed articles in the press such as ‘How to be a Fitness Queen’, ‘I yowl like a leopard’, ‘I’ll never go back to the gym again’ and even the almost obligatory ‘Cool Kit Guide’ (from the Style supplement with the Times). Yes I did read them!
Being type 1 and pretty much house-bound for the last 10 months, trying to hide from Covid, I’ll admit that I haven’t kept in shape. Well, actually, it’s more like I don’t like the shape I’ve become! I worry that this is adversely affecting my work and ability to grow the business too. I’ve been reluctant to appear in photos and videos so am conscious that we haven’t shown our products being used enough. It’s one thing to inform customers that our Librebands are suitable for sports, exercise and swimming, but better still would be to demonstrate this with photographic proof.
If you’ve seen the Love My Libre YouTube channel, you may know that I’m not a young wanabee social media star unlike some of the T1s posting glamour shots that appear a curious mix of self-promotion and possibly inspiration for other T1s. I’m not sure why I’m still following these on my Insta feed.
Perhaps it’s time for a reality check and some realism, I ponder. After all, it’s important to me, and is one of our 7 business values, that we are transparent and authentic. So, after writing this blog I determine to pose for the photo to accompany this article which you can see at the top of the page.
To return to the topic of fitness and tech, I have been impressed by the Apple Fitness+ App as it’s very accessible to an unfit T1. The beginners’ routines start at an introductory pace and don’t assume any previous knowledge of moves or a level of fitness. The production is slick but although produced in the US, there’s nothing irritating in this regard and two of the instructors are English.
Using my Libre sensor is key to enabling me to get the most of the app and I feel that I’m progressing well. I have structured my week to include a mix of these classes and have adapted my scanning regime to take this into account; taking readings before exercise, about halfway through and straight after the workout, then every hour for the next few hours.
I’m now beginning to see trends emerging and am reminded of the difference between aerobic and anaerobic types of exercise, a topic I covered in the Spring 2020 edition of Libre Life. For example, after this morning’s strength class my glucose levels rose considerably and I’ll be more mindful of this in future and the need to scan and monitor in advance so to make appropriate adjustments. As ever, T1 management is a cycle of monitoring and reviewing and making adjustments!
So, with my New Year’s resolution clearly underway, I’m resolved to make more personal appearances and will certainly be appearing in the flesh wearing my Libreband – for 2021 you can expect to see more of me in terms of supporting Love My Libre, but hopefully there will be less of me to see too!
I’d love to include more of you too. Please be encouraged to send us your reviews and pictures too – email to hello@lovemylibre.co.uk
In the meantime, here are some links to some of the things I’ve mentioned above which I hope are of further interest:
Exercise (Libre Life Spring 2020 Edition)
CGMs/transmitters (Libre Life Autumn 2020 Edition
Our Values
YouTube Channel
All views are the author’s own.
Love My Libre is not associated or affiliated with Dexcom, Abbott or FreeStyle Libre. Content here and on our website www.lovemylibre.com does not constitute medical advice or replace the relationship between you and healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.
The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.
FreeStyle Libre is a registered trademark of Abbott Diabetes Care Inc.
Dexcom and Dexcom G6 are registered trademarks of Dexcom Inc.
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