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Love My Libre Business Review of '22

  • 4 min read

Love My Libre Business Review of '22

Firstly, and very importantly, thank you to all our customers, subscribers and followers for your support in 2022. We recognise you all as our brand ambassadors and hope you will continue to be a part of our success.

We have taken the opportunity at the start of 2023 to take a look over last year’s data and our achievements. With this in mind, we are sharing some insights that we hope you will be interested to see.

Love My Libre Data

Love My Libre reached a total of 90,619 website visitors in 2022. Of these, 53% came via mobile, with 28% using a desktop and 20% other means.

The average number of visitors was therefore over 7,500 each month.

🌍 Users came from over 170 countries and the top 5 was 

  1. UK
  2. USA
  3. Canada
  4. Australia
  5. Germany


Sales maps for Love My Libre by month in 2022.

We publish our UK sales data on our social media every month so that you can see how the popularity of Librebands and Dexbands is spreading. We are pleased to report that sales for 2022 are up 73% from 2021.

Social media

It’s not surprising that the most common way of finding Love My Libre was through Google, but a growing number of website visitors also came directly to the Love My Libre website and also via Facebook – directed from our adverts on the platform.

Top adverts of 2022 by Love My Libre

Facebook was our main method of marketing in 2022. 

Love My Libre is active on several social media platforms and in terms of users these are the most popular for interactions with us: 

  1. Facebook@lovemylibre
  2. Instagram@lovemylibre
  3. Twitter@lovemylibre
  4. Medium@lovemylibre
  5. YouTube @LoveMyLibre

Since starting Love My Libre in 2019, we have helped over 5,000 PWD protect their sensors from knocks, with our own trademarked armbands for FreeStyle Libre and Dexcom.

Most popular for FreeStyle Libre

  1. Libreband with wave design, pewter
  2. Libreband with pyramids design, pewter
  3. Libreband with heart design, magenta

Most popular for Dexcom

  1. Dexband with I am Greater design, teal
  2. Dexband with Pyramids design, magenta
  3. Dexband with T1D design, orange

Armbands tend to be most popular purchases in spring and summer months and are particularly popular in the key summer months of July and August. Many repeat customers buy in June in preparation for their holidays too!

Libre Life

Libre Life is the name for our FREE resources to support sensor wearers.

Newsletters, blogs and other resources are made available to all – we don’t ‘gate-keeper’ information that could help others so please feel free to share any support materials we publish online or make available on social media. All copyright is retained by Love My Libre Ltd.

In 2022 our most popular blogs were:

Love My Libre top 3 blogs of 2022 cover images.

  1. Swimming with a Libre sensor and other CGM : Click here to read.
  2. What advice would you give to new Libre sensor users? : Click here to read.
  3. How to see blood sugar on an Apple Watch using Shuggah : Click here to read.

 Additionally, in the summer months, these blogs are particularly popular:

Blog, Heat, Hydration and Hot Sensors cover.  Heat, Hydration and Hot Sensors: Click here.

Blog medical devices and airport security. Can a CGM go through an airport security scanner? Click here


 Travel packing checklist. Click here. 

Medtech reviews

Our reviews of the latest technology to help those with diabetes are amongst our most popular posts. Here are our top 4 viewed in 2022.

Person showing Dexcom G7 CGM on upper arm. My 48 hours wearing a Dexcom G7 CGM: Click here.

Dexcom ONE blog cover New to the NHS: What is the Dexcom ONE system? Click here.

Review of GlucoRx AiDEX CGM What is the GlucoRx AiDEX: My personal review. Click here.

GlucoMen Day CGM GlucoMen Day CGM: Pros & Cons. Click here.

Diabetes Awareness

November is Diabetes Awareness month and we collated details of some of the events recognising the importance of this together with celebrating World Diabetes Day on 14th November.

Click here to find out the events and put it in your diary for 2023!


Every month we collate the most important news affecting those in the diabetes community and email an update to our subscribers. This is also available on our website.

Films Covers for reviews of diabetes related films.

Filmmakers are increasingly including characters with diabetes in their work and helping to improve wider awareness of the condition. Here are 3 such films we have reviewed this year: 

Pixar's animation, Turning Red. Click here for review.

Purple Hearts. Click here for review.

The Human Trial (non-fiction). Click here for review.


This year we added a page on the website with details of where to get support with issues around mental health and wellbeing. Click here to go to page.


If you’re not already part of our community and are interested in joining us please take a look at our subscription page: Click here.

Future plans

Later in January, we will be launching armbands for the FreeStyle Libre 3 and Dexcom G7.

Email us for early notification and a special introductory discount:


Note on EU Sales

Previous sales to customers in EU countries accounted for around 30% of business. Since Brexit and changes to export/import taxes across the EU, sales to the EU have become more expensive and this has substantially affected sales. This is not unique to Love My Libre.



Content here and on our website does not constitute medical advice or replace the relationship between you and healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.

The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription. We do not have any affiliate relationship with Abbott FreeStyle Libre or any medtech provider. All trademarks are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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