In this update we are covering the news stories from October 2023, keeping you informed whether you are managing your own diabetes or doing so as a carer.

Images courtesy of Abbott
Abbott launch Lingo for non-diabetes glucose management
Abbott have begun marketing their product Lingo, for the management of glucose levels for non-medical purposes. Now available in the UK, Lingo is described as a 'personal metabolic coach for optimal wellbeing'.
The Lingo system uses a Libre 2 sensor to identify glucose spikes and crashes and then uses these to calculate a score, termed Lingo Counts. The user is then given a personalised target and encouraged to monitor their levels and make adjustments to their diet, to lower their Lingo Counts. A new target is given each day and the app provides personalised tips to fine tune glucose management.
The intention is seemingly to identify 'rollercoasters' experienced by the general population and lessen their impact as a path to better wellbeing. The program is individualised ie adapted for an individual's results, and suggests users will benefit from better sleep and more energy which will eventually help participants to retrain their metabolism.
Not to be left behind, Dexcom announced earlier this year that they too would launch a product aimed at other markets ie non-diabetes. Full information hasn't been released yet but it's expected the product will be available in some countries from early 2023.
Find out about Lingo here.
Aberdeen recognises John JR Macleod's role in insulin discovery
A new memorial to the physiologist and co-discoverer of insulin, John JR Macleod, has opened at Duthie Park in Aberdeen.
Macleod's contribution is not well-known but it's hoped that this will change with an area of the park redefined as 'Macleod's Corner' and 'Insulin Way' showing visitors to the site in his honour.
The memorial is is also Scotland’s first and only ‘Storytelling Statue', where visitors can scan a QR code to hear the story of Macleod's life.
Read more about this news here.
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich
Study shows Covid-19 booster can affect glucose levels
The Covid 19 autumn booster vaccine program is now underway in the UK and those with type 1 diabetes are eligible for the vaccine as being classed as a belonging to a clinically vulnerable group. However, as the program is more limited than previously, PWD may need to check with their surgery to find out where the vaccine is available.
It's worth noting that a recent study of T1Ds having the vaccine experienced a short-term rise in glucose levels with raised insulin resistance. In particular, glucose levels for those participating in the study were higher 2 and 3 days after having the vaccine. This may mean that after having the vaccine, T1s may need to be extra vigilant at monitoring their levels, and if necessary, doses adjusted. As always, PWD should be aware of 'sick day rules' and consult their diabetes team for advice before making any changes to their medication.
Click here to read report on study "COVID Booster May Transiently Raise Glucose Levels in T1D".
Note, T1Ds are also usually invited to have an annual flu vaccine.
Image courtesy of Dexcom Inc
Dexcom ONE adds calibration option + G7 updates
Dexcom recently announced that Dexcom ONE users can now update their app to enable optional calibration for their sensor. Appearing to be reacting to the change of Freestyle Libre 2 to a real-time CGM. Already a real-time CGM, Dexcom ONE should be available on prescription as an alternative to the Libre 2 for all type 1s in all areas of England.
Dexcom have also confirmed that the G7 integration with Tandem Control IQ will be available by the end of 2023. This will be available in the first wave of countries in Europe including the UK & Ireland, Sweden, Germany and Italy. There is no fixed timeline as yet for integration of the G7 with Omnipod but Dexcom state that work on this is in progress.
In other Dexcom news, they have also now launched the G7 CGM in Canada. Read this news on Yahoo here.
New NHS T1 Guidance Document
Final Guidelines for the rollout of hybrid closed loops in the NHS are expected to be published by the end of October and in advance Partha Kar (Diabetes co-lead NHS England) has given ‘X’ followers a preview of a documentation to be released.
The cover appears to give T1Ds lots of useful information to support their personal choices around type 1 management including medtech.
Find out more by following on X/Twitter @parthakar.
“As close to a cure for diabetes as science can get”
In advance of NICE Guidance for Hybrid Closed Loops to be available through the NHS, this article was published in the Daily Mail.
Many of the comments referred to the fact that this isn’t new medtech and isn’t a ‘cure’ although others were hopeful that hybrid closed loops could mean less daily decisions and improved quality of sleep.
Clickhere to read the full article.
Image courtesy of Insulet Corp
Omnipod Update
Insulet's Omnipod 5 pump is currently available in the UK and Germany, and recently confirmed plans to reach "the majority of our European customers by the end of 2024".
Omnipod 5 works as an automated insulin delivery system (AIDS) by using a Dexcom G6 CGM and app with Insulet's SmartAdjust™ technology. The system can make automatic insulin adjustments every 5 minutes. It's available in the UK to PWD who meet the criteria for a pump ie. via your diabetes team/Consultant.
The Omnipod 5 patch pump is the only tubeless one currently available with competitors like Tandem and Embecta keen to capture some of this market so expect to see more pumps operating like the Omnipod soon. Users of Omnipod particularly like the fact that it can be worn in several locations on the body including arm, upper thigh, buttocks and tummy.

Image courtesy of Revolve Comics
Latest comic for T1s lands!
The latest comic for T1s produced in association with the NHS and led by Partha Kar (NHS Specialist Advisor for Diabetes in England) is now available online.
Part 1 of "Secret Wards: Enter the Vortex" is about safety in hospitals and will be followed by Part 2: Escape in Time, to be available from 17th October. You can find an introduction to Part 2 by Partha on the Revolve website.
This is the 5th comic produced as part of the MulT1verse series by Revolve Comics and all are available to download for FREE on their website. Click link here.

Image courtesy of Medtech Dive - Omnipod on left & EOFlow on right
EOFlow blocked by FDA in US for breaching Omnipod patents
EO Flow, a Korean insulin pump manufacturer, poised to be taken over by Medtronic has been prevented from making or selling its tubeless patch pump in the USA. The case is being brought by Insulet (owner of Omnipod) who claim that EOFlow's product uses its trade secrets and breaches its patents in 3 areas.
It's known that three former Insulet executives, who joined EOFlow some time ago, are named as defendants for the Korean manufacturer.
EOFlow’s technology is currently authorised for use in Europe, South Korea, Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates.
Click here for more.

Images courtesy of DRWF
DWRF invest in stem cells in search of T1 cure
A pioneering clinical trial involving the transplantation of pancreatic islets derived from stem-cells into patients with type 1 diabetes is to start soon at the Islet Transplant Unit in Oxford, in part thanks to investment by the DRWF (Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation).
The trial is being carried out on a small selection of type 1 patients who have experienced episodes of severe hypoglycaemia. It's the first trial of this kind with Vertex and participants will need to take immunosuppression (anti-rejection) medication, although it's planned that a further trial will use encapsulated stem-cell-derived islets without the need for this medication.
Islet transplantation has the potential to be a game changer for diabetes treatment if stem cells can provide an unlimited source of islets that won't be rejected by the body.
Click here for more.

McDonalds Drinks - hypo treatment
A heads-up here that McDonald’s has begun to switch some of their drinks to ‘no added sugar’ alternatives. Fanta Orange and Oasis Summer Fruits are being replaced with Fanta Orange Zero and Oasis Zero Summer Fruits across in all UK outlets. This has implications if choosing a drink to treat a hypo and in that case, the choice for full-sugar drinks will be either Classic Coca-Cola or Tropicana orange juice.
Weekly insulin for type 2s
A report published this month in The Lancet suggests that persons with T2 diabetes could be given a basal insulin just once a week, reducing the number of injections per year from 365 to 52.
A clinical trial of icodec insulin was carried out comparing its use in type 2s who had HbA1c levels of between 7.0% and 9.5%, with once daily insulin. The trial took place over 26 weeks and involved 247 type 2s. It concluded that isodec could achieve the same results as daily insulin without increasing the likelihood of hypos.
Click link here to read about the trial in The New England Journal of Medicine.
AI can diagnose diabetes from voice
A new health start-up, Klick Labs, has developed an AI model to diagnose type 2 diabetes from listening to a person’s voice.
The AI analyses recordings of a person’s voice from recordings taken over 2 weeks, carried out 6 times a day. It looks for changes in pitch that cannot be perceived by the human ear which are attributable to having type 2 diabetes.
The success rates is stated as 89% accuracy for women and 86% for men. Click here to read more.
Mounjaro Guidelines published by NICE
The National Institute for Care and Excellence (NICE) have published their Guidelines for the use of Mounjaro (also referred to as Tirzepatide) for type 2 diabetes treatment.
Mounjaro is now recommended for treating type 2 diabetes alongside diet and exercise in adults when it is insufficiently controlled in certain circumstances. The NHS have 3 months now to make this available to be prescribed.
See the Guidelines here.
In related news, it’s reported that Eli Lilly (manufacturer of Mounjaro) are planning a clinical trial of this drug with patients as young as six years old who have obesity.

Image courtesy of HLTH
Nick Jonas talks about mangaing diabetes during band's World Tour
Band member and celebrity spokeperson for Dexcom, Nick Jonas, of The Jonas Brothers, talks about how type 1 diabetes has affected his life and how he manages the condition whilst touring in this interview for HLTH.
Click here to read the interview on Stat News.
Love My Libre Poll Results
The latest Libre Life poll asks "📝 Now Freestyle Libre 2 is a real-time CGM, are you still scanning & logging glucose readings?"
The results are currently showing over 55.5% of PWD with a Libre sensor ARE still logging their glucose levels. But it's not too late and we'd love to have your response to this question. Please submit your answer here.
The reason for asking, is that it can sometimes seem that social media is not reflecting the views of large sections of the diabetes community. We plan to gather the data - without being personal - and raise awareness so that the matters affecting the community is more representative of all!
Diabetes Events - Autumn 2023

Below are some of the opportunities this autumn to educate yourself, get better informed and meet others with diabetes, whether virtual or in person.
Some of these are free, others have a small charge. International conferences can require considerable expense although many advocates attend these on the basis of being sponsored to do so, sometimes paid-for by medtech companies. Advance registration is usually required.
Adult Type 1 Diabetes Technology
4 November 2023, Virtual Event
This JDRF event focuses on sharing the most up-to-date information within the world of diabetes technology.
More information here.
Diabetes UK
Diabetes Tech and You Conference
14 October 2023, Online
The latest updates and innovations from experts in diabetes tech, listen to real stories of how people are using tech day-to-day and leave more confident to talk about tech.
Find out more here.
EXTOD Conference for Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
11 November 2023, Oxford
Exercising for Type 1 Diabetes (EXTOD) is a 1-day education programme focusing on managing glucose around exercise for adults living with Type 1 diabetes.
The course is aimed at T1s who exercise regularly or are planning to start to train for a specific event. It involves workshops in small groups and some preparation prior to the course is required.
Find out more here.
International Events
ISPAD (International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes)
18-21 October 2023ISPAD Annual Conference
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
ISPAD is a professional organization whose aims are to promote clinical and basic science, research, education and advocacy in children, adolescents and young adults with diabetes.
More about this event here.
World Diabetes Day 2023

Don't forget next month it's World Diabetes Day on Tuesday 14th November 2023.
Blogs and publications on this website are independent of any involvement by medtech companies or diabetes related charities. To ensure there is no bias, we do not accept any products, freebies or other material from any medtech provider. Except where credited otherwise, all materials are copyright ©️Love My Libre Ltd.
Love My Libre is not associated or affiliated with Abbott or FreeStyle Libre. Content here and on our website does not constitute medical advice or replace the relationship between you and healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.
The author of this blog has type 1 diabetes and uses the FreeStyle Libre 2 which is provided on NHS prescription.
FreeStyle Libre, Dexcom G6 and Omnipod 5 are registered trademarks of Abbott Diabetes Care Inc, Dexcom Inc and Insulet Corporation respectively.
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